
The PRIME Program has changed for 2024.

Path 1 Employers are required to (by December 31, 2024):

  1. Have a trained OHS Committee, Worker Health and Safety (WHS) Representative or Designate in place at each applicable worksite, in accordance with OHS legislation.
    • Worksites with less than 20 workers require a WHS Representative or Designate, who are required to complete Level 1 of OHS Committee, WHS Representative and Designate Certification Training.
    • Worksites with 20 or more workers require an OHS Committee, and committee members are required to complete Levels 1 and 2 of the OHS Committee, WHS Representative and Designate Certification Training.
    • Both Level 1 and Level 2 training are valid for three years.
    • You can find a list of courses on the Certification Training Registry (CTR).
  2. Complete two PRIME education course(s), as outlined by WorkplaceNL, each year.
    • For 2024, choose two from the three available courses:
      • Introduction to Early and Safe Return to Work,
      • Introduction to Finding and Managing Hazards in the Workplace, and
      • Introduction to Musculoskeletal Injuries.
    • If you completed the Introduction to Early and Safe Return to Work course in 2023, you must complete the other two available courses in 2024.
    • PRIME education courses are available through the CTR.
    • PRIME online courses are free.

To qualify for your PRIME rebate, Path 1 employers will need to complete these three steps:

  1. Claim your network.
  2. Complete the required training. 
  3. Submit your Annual Employer Statement by February 28 each year.

Claim your network in the CTR

To prepare for these changes, employers are encouraged to claim their network on the CTR. Claiming your network will help employers manage their workplace training requirements and view worker completion records. To learn more, view our How-to Guide.

Note: PRIME’s financial incentives will remain the same and organizations must still pass the practice requirements to receive the experience refund, if eligible.


To learn more about the new PRIME program, register for one of our live scheduled webinars.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. If I already have the OHS Committee, WHS Representative and Designate Certification Training completed, do I need to complete it again?
2. Does the same worker have to complete all the courses?
3. How do I access the courses I need to complete?
4. Is there a cost for the required courses?
5. How will WorkplaceNL know I have met the requirements for Path 1 (i.e. have completed the required courses)?
6. What is changing in PRIME from 2023 to 2026?
7. What is staying the same under the revised PRIME program?