Report a Workplace Injury

A workplace injury:
- Happens at work, on company property or on company business
- Requires medical treatment
- May or may not require time away from work
When an injury happens, first make sure that the worker has received the necessary care. Then collect details about the incident including what happened, where it happened and the names of people who saw the incident.
Tell the worker to report the incident to their health care provider and get copies of all necessary forms. This could include a Physician’s Report (MD), a Chiropractor’s Report (8/10c), or a Physio Report (PR).
Remember to complete an Employer’s Report of Injury (Form 7) online through connect within three days of the injury. The worker will also have to complete a Worker’s Report of Injury (Form 6). The worker can complete the Form 6 online through MyWorkplaceNL.
Once we have received all the necessary forms, an Intake Adjudicator will review the claim. If the claim is accepted, you will receive a copy of the letter we send the injured worker outlining their weekly wage-loss benefit and other general information.
If the claim is denied, you will receive a copy of the letter we send the injured worker outlining the reasons for denial. Both you and your worker have the right to ask for an internal review of any decision.