Annual Employer Statement Reporting

Annual Employer Statements are due each year by the end of February. Log in or sign-up to file your statements by visiting:
An online service is available for employers to submit their Annual Employer Statements. Please note paper forms are no longer mailed to all employers. Your statements are due by the end of February each year and include the following:
- Employer Payroll Statement
- Occupational Health and Safety Statement(s)
- Employer Contractor Statement
To complete your statements, log into MyWorkplaceNL connect and select Annual Employer Statements from the menu.
Remember to file on or before the deadline to avoid a late reporting penalty and be considered for a PRIME refund.
If your organization is not registered for MyWorkplaceNL connect, you can self-register by clicking here and following the “Register for online services” process. You will need your Firm Number, Newfoundland Industrial Classification (NIC) Code, and one of your last five assessment invoice numbers.
Your Firm Administrator is the person your organization appointed to manage your online services account and its users. They automatically have access to all services and will need to add the “Annual Employer Statements” Service for others to use the service.
If your organization’s Firm Administrator needs to be changed, you can also do this online by clicking here and following the “Change your firm administrator” process.
Accounting and Bookkeeping Companies
An online service is available for accounting and bookkeeping companies to submit Annual Employer Statements for their clients.
- If you are an accounting or bookkeeping company already using connect:
Log in and select Client’s Annual Employer Statements from the menu. - If you have a WorkplaceNL employer account but are not yet registered for connect:
Sign-up today to use this service. - If you are a sole proprietor or partnership with no workers:
Complete a WorkplaceNL connect application for external accountants or bookkeepers.