
Psychological Health and Safety Virtual Learning Series

Psychological hazards are in every workplace in Newfoundland and Labrador. No workplace is immune to the negative effects of these hazards on workers physical and mental health. Psychological hazards are found in the way work is organized and managed, and the quality of relationships in the workplace.

The Psychological Health and Safety Virtual Learning Series is a week devoted to raising awareness of psychological health and safety in the workplace. Participants will learn practical solutions for lowering the risk of psychological hazards to worker’s mental health.

The best way to control risk to workers is to find these hazards and put measures in place to lower the risk of psychological injury to workers.

The latest statistics show us that many individuals, families, workplaces and communities are affected by mental health issues in Canada.

Psychological Health and Safety Statistics



The Signal: WorkplaceNL’s Health and Safety Podcast

Workers have a right to healthy and safe workplaces. Occupational health and safety (OHS) practices and principles help protect workers from injuries and illnesses while working. Join us as we explore current OHS topics that can improve the health and safety of workplaces.


Community Contacts
Creating a Self-Care Plan
FREE Online Course: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace
Integrating Psychological Health and Safety into your OHS Program
The Signal: WorkplaceNLs Health and Safety Podcast


What are some factors that can impact an employee’s mental health at work?
What are some indicators of a psychologically unhealthy or unsafe work environment?
What is a psychologically healthy and safe workplace?
What resources are available to help implement the standard in my workplace?
Why should employers be concerned about psychological health?