
Move Well – Work Well Week

Move Well – Work Well Week is an annual event in Newfoundland and Labrador to raise awareness of MSIs and find practical solutions for prevention in workplaces.

Musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) are painful disorders of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, spinal discs, and related soft tissues. MSIs include sprains, strains and inflammation conditions, which are commonly caused by routinely working in awkward or sustained postures, performing repetitive motions, or overexerting tissues from manual lifting and handling activities. 

NL Workplace Injury Statistics
On average, MSIs in NL account for (2018-2022):

Move Well Work Well Resources

Podcast Episodes
Webinars and Workshops
Move Well-Work Well Digital Card
Messages for Employees – Information about MWWW and MSIs
Move Well-Work Well Poster
Do Not Ignore the Warning Signs – MSI Poster
Move Well-Work Well Feedback Form

We encourage your workplace to participate in Move Well-Work Well Week by planning educational and awareness activities for workers. Prevention starts with education. If you have questions, or need help planning your campaign, contact the Prevention Services Department at or phone (1.800.563.9000).

Other MSI Resources

MSI Prevention Certification Training Standard
NL MSI prevention research study funded by WorkplaceNL
WorkplaceNL Musculoskeletal Injuries online resources