2018 Research Projects and Reports
In 2018, WorkplaceNL funded the following research projects:
- SafetyNet – Completed Research on Workplace Mental Health Issues. Final research reports include the following:
- An environmental scan of presumptive coverage for work-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including detail on the experiences of other jurisdictions in Canada with presumptive coverage and findings from selected other countries with presumptive coverage for work-related PTSD.
- An environmental scan of preventative approaches to psychological health and safety, including a review of the Canadian experience with implementing CSA Standard Z1003 – Psychological Health and Safety in Workplace. Also, a companion report was prepared by the Institute for Work and Health to summarize the findings from a rapid review of the peer-reviewed literature for effective workplace strategies used by employers to positively impact employee mental health. The research findings have been integrated into current education programs and services being delivered to employers and workers by WorkplaceNL.