Student Safety Video/Radio Ad Contest Rules
Thinking about safety and taking action against unsafe working conditions are critical tasks for all employers and workers. If workers are not sure about how to do any part of their job safely, they should ask their supervisors. They will help – and respect you for asking. Remember, if the task in a job is too dangerous or proper training was not provided, don’t do it.
Contest Theme
In creating your safety video or radio ad, remember that you are encouraging young workers to be safe at work, ask about safety, and to take action against unsafe working conditions. Be persuasive, be compelling, be creative. Try to go beyond the obvious when describing solutions.
We welcome students’ original productions: audio files, video clips or animations. Submit your videos electronically.
The maximum running time must be 90 seconds or less for each video and 30 seconds or less for each radio spot. Submissions that exceed the maximum time limit will be disqualified.
The safety video and radio ad contest is open to all Grade 7-12 students in Newfoundland and Labrador, except members of the immediate family of employees and retirees of WorkplaceNL. Submissions can be made individually or as a team. Team size is not limited, and each class is permitted to submit entries from more than one team. Contestants may enter a video or radio ad or both; however, only one original submission of each will be accepted.
We are looking for innovative, creative and original submissions. Messages should target your peers and other young workers. In general, entries should provide a youth’s perspective on workplace safety and safety awareness, and promote the importance of open communication about safety. Entries will be judged on their original creative concept, their impact, their ability to create awareness and persuade their target audience and overall quality.
Radio – $1000 cash to winning student or team.
Video – $1000 cash to winning student or team.
Winners List
The complete list of winners, along with audio and video clips of winning submissions, will be posted on the WorkplaceNL website. The winning radio ad will receive air time on a Newfoundland and Labrador radio station. The winning video ad will be submitted to CCOHS’s national competition.
Safety Considerations
Your own personal safety and the safety of your cast, crew and others involved with the production must be maintained. Do not endanger anyone during the production of your video. All hazards involved in the production must be identified, evaluated and controlled prior to commencing the tasks. You must follow safety rules at all times. If you are shooting your video in a real workplace, seek permission, take all appropriate health and safety precautions, and follow all applicable health and safety rules and regulations.
Address all safety issues by consulting with your supervising teacher before starting production of your original video or radio ad. To learn more about ensuring safety during video/radio ad production, contact Colin Fewer at: 709.778.1543 or
General Conditions
All content, including music, must be originally created material or you must obtain proper, legal permission to use someone else’s copyrighted material. Entries will be void if they are incomplete, late, lost, damaged, or if they cannot be viewed due to a technical error. All entries become the property of WorkplaceNL and will not be returned. Entrants grant WorkplaceNL the right to use their names, photographs, and video submissions for advertising, publicity, and promotion purposes. By entering this contest, entrants agree to abide by these contest rules and regulations.
Submission Information
All entries must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 27, 2025.