WorkplaceNL announces 2020 young worker safety video/radio contest winners


June 29, 2020

WorkplaceNL announces 2020 young worker safety video/radio contest winners

St. John’s, NL – WorkplaceNL has recognized two talented students for their creativity in developing young worker safety video and radio ads.

The winner of the 2020 video category is April Griffin of Crescent Collegiate in South Dildo. Remove the Tape, the winning video, addresses the importance of speaking up about dangerous situations at work. April now goes on to represent Newfoundland and Labrador in the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety’s (CCOHS) national Focus on Safety Youth Video Contest.

The winner of the 2020 radio ad category is Julia Keefe of Ascension Collegiate in Bay Roberts. The radio ad encourages listeners to think safe and work safe, and will be aired on stations throughout the province.

“Encouraging young workers to actively think about and use safe work practices will help build a strong safety culture for years to come in our province’s workplaces,” said Dennis Hogan, CEO, WorkplaceNL. “Congratulations to everyone who submitted an entry, you are all safety leaders.”

“We are all adjusting and learning new ways of working safely as we live with COVID-19,” added Mr. Hogan. “As the winners of our contest have highlighted, we all have a role to play in looking out for the well-being of ourselves, our co-workers and our communities at all times, now more so than ever.”

The annual Student Safety Video/Radio Ad Contest, open to youth in grades 7-12, encourages students to share their thoughts on workplace safety and injury prevention. Winners receive a $1,000 cash prize, and a plaque for their school.

Young workers, aged 15-24 years are typically at higher risk for injury on the job. It is important to ensure they have access to programs and initiatives that enhance their knowledge of occupational health and safety, and reduce the risk of injury.

WorkplaceNL continues to invest in programs that engage youth to become more aware of workplace safety and injury prevention. Young people interested in advancing their safety knowledge are encouraged to apply for the new Youth Safety Training Bursary.

Related Links:

Winning Video

Winning Radio ad

Youth Safety Training Bursary

About WorkplaceNL

Serving approximately 13,000 injured workers and 17,500 employers, WorkplaceNL administers an employer-funded, no-fault insurance system that promotes safe and healthy workplaces, provides return-to-work programs and offers compensation to injured workers and their dependents.

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Media contact:

Nicole Martin, Manager, Marketing and Communications


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